

While we know that there
are many cool, useful apps
for the iPhone, there are also
many that make you wonder
if Apple has hired monkeys
in their App Store monitoring
department. Here’s our list of
some of the most ridiculous
iPhone Apps that came to
I Am Rich – This app created
waves of controversy when
it was being sold at the
iTunes App Store for a
ridiculous asking price of
Rs. 46,500 ($999). The poor,
unsuspecting (yet stupid)
users who actually went
ahead with the purchase were
shocked to see that when the
app opened, the only thing
they could see is a red gem
with a motivational statement
written below. We all know for
sure who is a few thousand
dollars richer now, don’t we
Mr. App developer?
iFart – Possibly one of the
dumbest apps in the store,
this one-dollar software
generates a fart sound at the
touch of your finger. The only
utility this app could possibly

serve is a few giggles for the
first few times you use it. But
apparently, 13,000 people
seem to have thought of
other constructive ways to
use it, thus actually putting
it at the No. 1 position at the
App Store at one point. Let it
“R.I.P”, we say!
Enigma Clock – This app uses
a unique algorithm to display

time as a mathematical riddle.
When living in this fast-paced
world is already too tiring
for many, who in their right
mind would want to use a
considerable part of their
brain just to tell time?

Hold On – This app presents
you with a button. The task
is to keep your finger on this
button for as long as you
can. After which it gives you
detailed reports regarding
your progress. No thanks,
we’d rather waste our time by
listening to Britney Spears’
records all day long!
Alarm Free – Aimed as a selfdefence
application, it has a
large button on the screen
which when pressed, emits a
faint beeping sound via the
iPhone’s speakers. Aside from
the fact that nobody would
actually actually hear your
phone’s cry for your rescue,
why wouldn’t the robber
make away with your iPhone
instead of your money?

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