
create a shutdown virus

To create this virus, you do not need notepad. First of all right click on your desktop and click "new" and then click "shortcut". And then type the following in the given text box:-
shutdown -s -t 200 -c "This is a fake virus"

and click next and type "My computer" in the given field and click finish. After all this you will see a small shortcut on your desktop. Right click on that shortcut and go to properties. In properties, click on "Change Icon". Now change the icon of this shortcut and put the same icon as that of the icon of my computer. Now remove the original my computer icon with this one. Now whenever your victim clicks on it, his/her computer will shutdown after 3 minutes. To stop the shutdown, you must go to start->run and type "shutdown -a". Type this without quotes.



10 indicates time. You can write else messages.


1.To make your virus more convincing, you could name it Internet Explorer and change icon through properties menu.

2. Running in full screen can make them even scarier. Right click on the icon -> properties -> options -> full screen.

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