abg man

Do You Want to Beat Your Boss? No, Manage Your Anger in Android Game!

If you are so angry with your boss that you want even want to Beat Your Boss, then remember that this is not good. Legally, morally, ethically and even socially this is not liked. But, if you have lost your temper so high level, then do it but in our way.
But you may Beat Your Boss, provided you have trouble in managing your anger.
Remember that balancing the business, unofficial, official and personal relationships is very difficult and painful but the answer is available.
The game / app, Beat Your Boss, by Android for the smartphones and other Android powered mobile devices has the answer.

You are taught to:

  1. How to release your rage.
  2. Beat your boss in such a way that no one is hurt.
  3. Now, you do not need to stuff your anger or to keep your bad feelings toward your Boss buried.
  4. You would be taught to express your anger in an appropriate way.
Remember this game lies in your land of opportunity. So, hurry up and download it for usage in Android phones.
Download: Beat Your Boss

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