
The Reality of Blogging Might Not Be What You Imagine

For years, blogging has been a hot topic among individuals who want to make money from home. The truth is that the reality of blogging might not live up to your expectations based on some of the amazing success stories that you're likely to have heard.

Therefore, it's important that you fully understand the truth about blogging, so you're not disappointed, frustrated, or devastated when your life as a blogger doesn't turn out to be like what you imagined. Five of the most common realities that surprise beginner bloggers are described below to help you evaluate whether or not blogging is right for you.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Things You Might Not Like About Blogging Things You Might Not Like About Blogging[/caption]

1. You Probably Won't Make A Lot of Money

If you want to start a blog because you've heard of so many bloggers making a lot of money and getting rich from their blogs, it's unlikely that blogging will meet your expectations. Are there bloggers who earn six figures per month? Yes, but the vast majority make a few hundred dollars a month or much less. Are there some bloggers who were in the right place at the right time or just got lucky and saw their blogging income increase rapidly? Yes, but those people are not the norm.

2. To Be Successful, You Have to Work A Lot

If you want to be a successful blogger with a well-trafficked blog, you need to commit time and effort to reach your goals. Bloggers don't just publish blog posts. They converse with people via comments on their own blogs and across the web as well as through email and other offline methods. They spend time researching blog post ideas, keeping up on news and trends in their industries, building relationships with influencers, testing anything and everything related to their blogs, and managing the maintenance of their blogs. It's a long list of tasks that successful bloggers have to do each day, and there is always something new to learn or try.

3. People Are Going to Be Mean to You

If you imagine yourself starting a blog and having visitors read your blog posts and tell you how wonderful everything you say is, you're going to be disappointed. For some reason, people bring out their dark sides via the anonymity of the Internet, and they will say hateful and rude things to you and about you. You need to have a thick skin to be a blogger.

4. People Are Probably Going to Steal Your Content

Unfortunately, copyright laws do little to protect bloggers who create original content and publish it online. This is particularly true for bloggers whose content is often republished on other blogs and websites. Sometimes, your entire blog RSS feed will be republished on another website or blog. Yes, you can contact the site owner and report the copyright violation. You can even get an attorney involved. However, the more popular your blog becomes, the more frequently you'll find your content republished across the web without your permission, and often you won't even be cited as the original author at all.

5. Visitors Are Not Going to Come Quickly

Building a successful blog takes time. Publishing some great posts is not enough to attract an audience, so you need to be prepared to indirectly promote your blog across the social web to get visitors. Patience and persistence are two traits that you need to possess if you want to be a successful blogger with a well-trafficked blog or a blog that brings in the revenue you hope to get.

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August 26, 2014 at 8:10 PM delete

[…] The Reality of Blogging Might Not Be What You Imagine […]

August 29, 2014 at 7:49 AM delete

This is very true, especially the last part about visitors not coming quickly. I blogged for nearly two years before I began to even see a handful of visitors a day. And it was over two years before I began getting the occasional comment.

To this list, I would add that you should blog about something you're really passionate about. Otherwise, it's going to be incredibly difficult to stick with it.

September 3, 2014 at 6:49 PM delete

[…] >>> The Reality of Blogging Might Not Be What You Imagine […]


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