
How to Make WordPress Sizzle for You

Not everyone is as taken by WordPress as you might have been led to believe. There is no dearth of development and designing professionals for whom working on WordPress can be a hard slog if the client expectations are bordering on unusual.

While the web realm is filled with people reciting WordPress homilies, there are also some designers who rue the fact that WordPress doesn't give them a free rein to be imaginative, contrary to the popular belief. There are also souls who would turn around wincing at the claim that WordPress is user-friendly, since they didn't find a lot of elements in WP that they could befriend. Worse, most of such folks find it quite arduous to get a pixel perfect design converted into a theme that is use-worthy.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="600"]How to Make WordPress Sizzle for You How to Make WordPress Sizzle for You[/caption]

So, is all you have heard herewith about WordPress a myth? Most definitely, not. But, you can't dismiss the afore-mentioned objections right away. There is a truth to them, if only little.

To put it without equivocation, WordPress still lacks the finesse that, according to most folks, other CMS platforms can supposedly borrow. There are plenty of grey areas and rough spots that in spite of being continually addressed, do leave a void for a whole lot of designers and developers to fill. But with it being the most widespread content management system all over the web world, there is a need to make it work for you exactly the way you want it to.

Off all the objections against it, one which doesn't hold true is that it's not customizable enough. There is so much you can do with WordPress, only if you know where and how to fish:

All You Need is an Idea (and you can steal it)

It all begins and ends with that - an idea. If you can't make one, steal the best idea among the ones that resonate years after you encountered them. Originality is overrated a virtue, and also overused. Some people are under the impression that they are building something truly unique, but all they are doing is steal someone's work steal ideas without even realizing. You aren't original in the true sense of the world if you are building a phone that runs on a software that's also built by you because at the end of the day, your phone most likely will be slim, sleek and glossy. Eventually, you are stealing the physical characteristics of your phone from Apple. So, that is that!

Take an idea that is already making waves, and give your own spin to it. It's the execution that will determine how far it takes you.

Get a Clear-Eyed Idea of What You are Aiming For

Your clients don't give an eff to how much labor you put into a strategy if they don't see the result. When your WordPress SEO optimization techniques fail to conjure up the numbers they were hoping to turn up, client-satisfaction as a metric gets a major hit.

Know What Tools are Really Worth it

Not every tool out there does the job with a kind of flair that you can deem fit for your website. At the same time, there are some rare gems that you may have not noticed so far. These include tools and resources that must find a place in your website's toolbox.

Gradient, for one, is a reliably excellent tool that can be used as an alternative to Photoshop. There are still quite a few constraints that Photoshop imposes at you, but gliding past them becomes easier with Gradient.

Then there is Annyang, a software that takes voice command from the user and smoothens the browsing experience by a great measure.

PixelDropr lets you create a repository of pixels like buttons and small icons, which can then be use din conjunction with Photoshop to further the designing process..

Are You Going with the Readymade, or are You Custom Creating

With WordPress, you have the access to a huge repository of themes. Either you can go ahead and install one of them, or you can get some people on board who would create a theme of your choice for you - integrating in it every feature you crave for.

User experience is what will dictate your website's success. Don't mess with that!

Guest Post By Ben Lee Wilson 

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