
Top Reasons Why People Blog

With the availability of free blogging platforms like WordPress, Blogger and Weebly, a large number of people blog. We are coming across too many new blogs daily via search engine or social media sites.

With the increasing number of the blog statistics, this question must have come in many people’s minds that ‘Why People Blog?

So, here I am mentioning some the reasons which made people to enter into blogging:

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="600"]Top Reasons Why People Blog Top Reasons Why People Blog[/caption]


1. Passion:

The first and the most common reason for blogging is passion. It is your passion about certain things which force you to write and share it with the world. This was same in my case.

The passion, the most common reason for blogging is also the most important one. It is the only thing which can make you stick to blogging and it is probably the main reason behind making your blog successful.

2. Money:

The second most important thing which attracts people towards blogging is ‘money’. Blogging is considered as the best way of making money online and it seems so easy to earn money from it. Though, the reality is opposite, but people come to know about it when they actually start to blog.

With many top bloggers sharing their blog income, more people are encouraged to enter into blogging. So, ‘easy money making’ is another main reason why people blog.

3. Fame:

A good blogger is an ‘internet star’. People become his fan after reading his blog and want to be like him. The name and fame earned by Top Professional bloggers inspire people to blog. After all, who do not like to become famous?

4. Show your talent:

One reason why people may blog is to show their talent and creativity. There are many blogs on the web which shows people’s talents. For example, we have poets and photographers showcasing their talent and some artists sharing their art work.

5. To help others:

Some people blog to help others by providing best solutions and guide. Nowadays we all are dependent on the Internet for almost all our queries. This is why the web is flooded with tutorial sharing websites.

6. To learn something:

Another reason why people write a blog is to learn something. All my fellow bloggers will agree with me that blogging teaches us many things. Have you ever heard that the best way to improve your writing skill is blogging? We cannot just stop at writing skills, but are any many other things we learn from blogging.

7. To speak and get heard:

Blogging is the best way to get your voice heard. It is the best place to share what you think and with your point of view is. People write blogs to speak their hearts out and show the world who they really are.

8. Time pass:

Sometimes the only reason why a person may start blogging is to pass their time. This category includes retired/jobless persons or college going students.

So, these are some of the reasons why people write a blog. I have mentioned above, my reason for blogging and now I want to hear from you.

Tell me what made you enter into blogging in the comment section below. Also, share some other reasons ‘why people blog’ which I have missed out.

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