
Top Signs To Prove That You're a Caged Entrepreneur

Are you restless? Do you feel you haven't found what you are looking for, but you don't know what that is? Do you always feel that there is something else you should be doing? Want more out of life?
Maybe you are an entrepreneur.
If that resonates with you, perhaps you have the personality traits of an entrepreneur, here are 25 signs that you do.

  1. You tend to change jobs regularly, perhaps every 2-3 years because you get bored. You may even be stuck in a career trap where you stay in the same industry, but you change companies in repetitive cycles of behaviour.

  2. You've probably had several career changes and they might even be a complete change in direction.

  3. You are excited by new challenges and places.

  4. You are excellent at adapting to new jobs and learn skills quickly on the job.

  5. You are a chameleon who can adapt to any social environment.

  6. You love to travel and experience new things.

  7. You like to be recognized for your achievements.

  8. You might have a tendency to be a little 'flash' when you have money and not what other people might see as sensible, for example, you like to spend money on a car which stands out from the crowd or designer clothes rather than save your money for the future.

  9. You live in the now and can be spontaneous and impulsive much to the frustration of those around you.

  10. You make quick decisions on instinct and they are usually right.

  11. You are bored by mundane or repetitive tasks.

  12. When something isn't working out as you thought, you would rather cut your losses and walk away rather than work through it to the bitter conclusion.

  13. When you move house, you don't just move house, you move town, state or country.

  14. You have many ideas of what you want to do or ideas for business enterprises.

  15. You respect your boss, as long as things are going well. However you can be a bit of a maverick.

  16. You don't particularly like following rules, you will if they make sense to you and fit in with your view of the world, but you won't be told what to do.

  17. As a teenager you were rebellious and often up to mischief.
  18. You left home or went travelling earlier than your peers, you couldn't wait to become independent.

  19. You have big ambitions and have a plan, but if something more interesting and exciting comes along, you will go off down that path instead. Your plans frequently change.

  20. You see life as an exciting adventure.

  21. You hate other people trying to control you.

  22. You like to take risks and you are not afraid of failure because you know there is no failure, there is only giving up.

  23. Freedom and independence are very important to you.

  24. You don't read instructions or procedures before you start- you dive in and take action, finding out along the way how to do something.

  25. You are sticking with your job because you think that other people think it is the right thing to do.

  26. Finally, the difference between an Entrepreneur and someone who is self employed - A self employed person creates work for themselves; A Entrepreneur creates work for others.

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