
Get Google Adsense Approval within 3 days

You want to get Google adsense approval within 3 days? No problem, it’s 100% possible to get approval within 3 days. You might be wondering, why does Google Adsense disapprove my request? You might have tried many times to apply again, to no avail. There are many reasons for Google Adsense to disapprove your request. You should know the basic requirements before for applying to Google AdSense. Even if you have a good blog, traffic, rank, it’s not must your account should be approved. Find out what makes your site to stand out an get an AdSense approval soon. Below are few important points you need to keep in mind before applying Google Adsense.
Get Google Adsense Approval within 3 days

Get Google Adsense approval within 3 days:

Before applying for Google Adsense, make sure to follow these points. Everything counts, including your blog/site layout, content, number of posts, SEO metrics, back-links, other required metrics and etc. Every single one of them will play a important role in getting Adsense approved. Check out the most important requirements one should follow before applying for Adsense.
Minimum Posts/Articles/Pages:
If you are applying for Adsense for a WordPress blog, you should maintain a minimum of 40 quality posts/articles. And if it’s any other website (html, Joomla), try to maintain a minimum of 30 pages. Every article is considered to be a page in your site. So consider this as your major requirement and proceed implementing further requirements.

You need to install a Google Analytics code on your website. To do this, just login to Google Analytics and click on Admin where you can see “+ New Account” under Accounts tab. Click on New Account and enter your website name, url and other details. Click on Get Tracking ID and paste it in your site.

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Google Webmasters Verification Page:
Next you need to apply for a Google Verification Page. To do this, login to Google Webmaster Tools and click on “Add a Site” and Enter your site URL. Verify your ownership by any one of the following methods and get a conformation.
Bing Webmaster Verification Page:
Bing Webmaster Tools  is very similar to Google Webmaster Tools. You can follow the same procedure here and verify your ownership. In Bing webmaster tools, you need to apply even your website sitemap page. I will tell you how to add that below.
Sitemap.xml Page: 
Your site should have a Sitemap.xml page, so that search engines can index your site links and pages quickly. To create a sitemap, just install the Google XML Sitemaps (WordPress) and create a sitemap.

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You need to create a robots.txt file in your site. No matter if it’s a WordPress site or any other CMS based, you need to have a robots.txt file. This file will tell the search engines, what to index and what not to. You can check SEOSiren robots.txt file for clear idea. To create a sitemap, just open your hosting cpanel, click on File Manager, and select your site folder to open it. Once opened, you can create a file and name it as robots.txt. You can enter the basic commands to restrict search engines to over crawl you site.
Alexa Rank:
A lot of people disagree with this statement. But still your site should have a decent Alexa ranking to get adsense approved. Even if your site doesn’t have a decent Alexa rank, you can still apply. But make sure your site rankings are atleast under 400k. Else the chances are quite less to be taken into consideration.
Additional Pages:
Your site should have a Privacy Policy page, Disclaimer page, and Terms of use page. You need to clearly mention what is your site about, and how it is useful for people.

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Own Email ID:
If you have your own domain and hosting, its better to apply Adsense via domain email ID. Which means, instead of, you can apply with Just like or
Decent Traffic: 
Your site should have a minimum of 50+ visitors per day. Please don’t be in a hurry to apply adsense without  having consistent traffic. And even if you follow all the above mentioned requirements without consistent traffic, your account will not be approved.
These are the most effective ways to get Google Adsense approval within 3 days. I hope your Adsense account will be approved. Drop us a line if you have any queries related to Adsense approval.  Stay tuned to SEOSiren for more!

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About Author

Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar is a Online Entrepreneur & Founder of Pyrite Technologies Pvt Ltd. He has been working on SEO, White hat Link Building Techniques from past 3 years, he is known for his SEO consultant services in Hyderabad.
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