
Best Ways to Stay Safe Online

Everyone wants to make sure what they do on the internet is not exposed to outsiders. But not everyone knows the best ways to stay secure online. Many well-written blog posts have been dedicated to online security. You might have come across a lot of them, but, somehow, you still aren’t able to say why you are not satisfied with what you read. Perhaps, they are not the best ways to stay safe online.
No matter what your worries about internet security might be, you can overcome those threats by doing the right things at the right time. Knowing how to guard your confidential details is a virtue that leads to maximum protection online, but not all are good with such virtues.
computer privacy 300x270 What Are the Best Ways to Stay Safe Online
Ways to Stay Safe Online
In my blog post today, I’ll share some rather important ways to ensure that you are always safe on the internet.

Use Alien Passwords

It’s cultural that you have a few or more people that are very close to you. And while this closeness doesn’t guarantee loyalty, you still get to have many things about you known to your friends without even knowing icon smile What Are the Best Ways to Stay Safe Online For example now, you date of birth is what many of your friends know even without you having to tell them. But somehow they just have to know it. Any smart person can easily trace your password to your date of birth. Another thing your friends may know about you is words you often say, words that seem to always find their ways out of your mouth. Now, forming your passwords around these household terms can betray you someday. Instead, for maximum protection always use things that are not too synonymous to you to form your passwords.

Use an Antivirus Program

More people report threats to their online security when they have no monitoring software guarding their system than when they have a good antivirus. This report shows that even though the users with stronger passwords use computers without antivirus, they tend to get hacked. If you don’t have a good antivirus program on your computer, it will do you good to get one today. It will even make it more effective if you can couple it with monitoring software like Webwatcher or Verisign. While these programs might come at some price, you can do a look-up for “Webwatcher discounts” or “Verisign coupons” in other to get better deals. It’s dangerous not to have an antivirus and I won’t advise anyone to use a computer without one to browse the internet.

Always Log Out After Using Cafés

One other way people get hacked on the internet is because they usually forget to log out of their email after using the café. You might find using the café convenient, but you have to be extra cautious when using a café. If you always use a café to check your mails and your other online account, make sure you clear the cache before leaving the system by pressing “ctrl+shft+del” simultaneously.
By using the tips in this article, you can stay safe online.

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