
Wordpress Themes for Great Business Blog and Website Designs

Wordpress has become a popular tool for businesses to create their websites and blogs. Wordpress is easy to use and very customizable. Once you make the decision to create your business website and blog using Wordpress, you need to select a theme to make your blog unique and provide the functionality you need. Following are recommendations for Wordpress themes for business blogs and websites.
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Flexx Theme from iThemes

I love this Wordpress theme, and I use it on one of my blogs. The Flexx Theme from iThemes was created with the non-expert user in mind. It operates almost entirely through the use of widgets, which allows for incredible flexibility and customization with almost no coding knowledge necessary. The price is very competitive, and iThemes is a respected Wordpress theme design company that offers excellent online tutorials, a user forum, support and more.


The Thesis Wordpress theme is provided by DIY Themes. Many top bloggers use the Thesis theme and are very pleased with it. I have not used it myself, but I have heard enough of my fellow power bloggers say good things about it that I'm confident in recommending it. The theme is offered at a competitive price, and you can access a user's guide and user support forum through the DIY Themes website.

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