
Building Niche Sites By Jen Rhoades

That income may start flowing in, it is important to build not only your site but the function or your niche site. You go, oh okay, the niche sigh - what!? Come on, you have heard about niche sites by this time and that treasures could be buried there somewhere.
But how do you define niche site, really? Yes, it is a website or a blog that centers, primarily, on a particular topic which is either product or information. Product-based niches are of course about products that are available for consumers and the site is where you could find all that is related to a product: product details, reviews, prices or where you can get them.
Now when you want to find out how things work, how to do this and how to do that, get tips on saving money or how to lose weight in so and so days, that's information niche site for you. It basically focuses on answering questions.

Okay so if they are what they are, people would come and visit your site if they need a product or need information. Nope, not so fast because this is why there is such thing as building niche sites.
Why build your niche site?
  • How else will you be able to dig the treasure out if in doing keyword research, your site does not appear in the top 5 results? This is where your creative genius in featuring interesting but factual topics should come out so that your site can enjoy great traffic.

  • It is your opportunity to learn new things, too. How can you build an information-based site if you don't want to come out of your comfort zone, learn new things and get to share them?

  • Once you see something that you created grow and prosper, don't you love that feeling of great satisfaction? Knowing that your site is among the top ranking is a great feeling not to mention that it is the gateway for income to start flowing.

  • Ah, yes, income. When you have successfully built your niche site and money starts coming in, you can have the opportunity to make it grow - diversify! If you are one who has the gift of being able to handle various topics, why not create another site or sites.

  • If you are able to build your site and succeed in making it grow, you can have the chance to give back. Nothing beats sharing the opportunities and being able to help your fellowmen.
When I say build your niche site, build it with integrity in mind and not just for the sound of cash register in your head going ding-ding-ding ceaselessly. Make sure you build a credible site, one that will make people keep coming back for more because there is good value in it. Because it is honest and sincerely beneficial, aiming to actually help people find what they are looking for whether that is a product or knowledge.
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