
How to Reduce Data Usage in Google Chrome for Android

Recent version of Google Chrome comes with a nice feature called 'Data Compression Proxy.' It enable Chrome users to reduce web traffic and save Internet data. Most of the Android users are already using the latest version of Chrome. But very few people know that this feature really exist on their device. By default, the feature is disabled. So, you are not getting any benefit even if you have the feature. So, you need to manually enable the feature to reduce the data usage.

To enable this feature on your Chrome for Android, open the Google Chrome. Click on the three square vertical dots like icon at the top right side of the Chrome app. And then select 'Settings.'

How to Reduce Data Usage in Google Chrome for Android
In Settings, scroll down and see the option 'Bandwidth Management'. Here select 'Reduce data usage' and tap on the button at the top right side to turn this feature on.

How to Reduce Data Usage in Google Chrome for Android

After enabling this feature, Google Chrome will start serving all web pages through Chrome Data Compression Proxy server to speedup your web browsing and reduce the data usage.

You can follow the same path to disable the feature or check how much data it saved for you.

Opera Mini already offers similar kind of feature and claimed to give up to 50% data compression. If you use low memory Android device, you can consider using Opera Mini. Because Chrome consumes too much RAM in comparison to Opera Mini. 

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