
eCommerce Web Development: Responsive vs Mobile Sites, which path to choose?

There are few experiences that are more exciting in this world than setting up your own business. And the Internet has made even the most ambitious business ideas feasible even for small businesses.
However, e-commerce website development poses quite a few headaches for those of us that aren’t IT experts. There seems to be a multitude of options out there and of course an incredible amount of competition for your business which ensures that you don’t want to make the wrong decision regarding which e-commerce platform to plump for.
Ecomerce Web
One of the most fundamental questions that you’ll have to answer with regards to e-commerce website development in the early stages of setting up your business is whether to utilize responsible web development or use a mobile site. This can be an extremely tricky decision to make particularly if you’re not well-versed in either.

Thus, the first thing to deal with is precisely what is offered by both e-commerce website development systems. Firstly, responsive web design refers to creating a web page that is appropriate for the scale of the device that is using it. This can be extremely useful as it enables you to have one website that runs on mobiles, tablets, desktops and any other devices that are invented in the future!
Mobile theme by contrast is enables lightweight e-commerce website development producing websites that are mostly designed for one particular category of device. So you might decide that your site is going to primarily target desktop computers users, in which case mobile theme can deliver the ideal site for this platform and ultimately your website.
So the first thing you need to decide before you proceed is what sort of customer you’re targeting and how diverse you expect your customer base to be. There is no reason that e-commerce website development can’t meet every type of customer that you’re expecting to receive, but at the same time there is no point in wasting money targeting people who will never take an interest in your services and / or products.
Thus, it is worthwhile looking at the pros and cons of both options before you make a hasty decision.
Advantages of Mobile Theme
  • The first and most obvious advantage of this e-commerce website development method is that it is perfect for mobile devices. If you’re specifically targeting mobile users it really is the way to go.
  • Secondly, mobile theme enables websites to be set-up very quickly and easily with the minimum of fuss.
  • Thirdly, mobile theme is cost effective in comparison to responsive web development.
  • Finally, mobile theme offers some excellent DIY options within its features set which are probably superior to those offered by responsive web development.
Advantages of Responsive Web Development
  • According to Google, it is far easy to update your e-commerce website when using responsive web development. Of course, this is a potentially major issue for e-commerce sites that shift a lot of stock and need to regularly update their site.
  • Responsive web development better serves the needs of search engine optimization; a critical element of attracting traffic to your site. Again, this has been confirmed by Google, and it would be highly advisable for obvious reasons to pay attention to their opinion.
  • Finally, responsive design finds a lot of favor with web developers, and is far better if you wish to customize your site in any way owing to technical reasons related to the implementation of third-party software.
At this point in time, both mobile theme and responsive web development have their potential advantages and may suit particular types of business. If you’re looking to build a relatively straightforward site in the quickest amount of time possible, and require either no or minimal customization then mobile theme is probably the way to go. This method of developing an e-commerce website would also suit businesses operating on a tight budget.
Source: Wikipedia
However, it must be said that responsive web development offers the more professional and features-packed website development method. It provides the better platform to support multiple devices, and the little extra cost associated with it will suit larger enterprises better as it currently produces a much more professional result than is associated with mobile theme.
When deciding which method to use, it is wise to simply balance the considerations of budget with functionality before making your choice.
EstarOnline is an ecommerce platform developer and provider specializing in online shopping systems in Australia and New Zealand. With a number of high-profile domestic clients they have a track record of providing bespoke web based business platforms, ecommerce website development and facilitate over $400 million dollars of online transactions annually.

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