
How to Buy and Sell Websites Using Flippa

Some people make a good living from flipping houses—buying them cheap, fixing them up and then selling them at a nice profit. Similarly, others do the same with virtual real estate—websites. People are looking to buy and sell websites all the time, big or small, and Flippa is where it all happens.

What Is Flippa?

Flippa is the web’s number one marketplace for buying and selling websites. Just like Etsy is a place for buying and selling tangible homemade products, Flippa is made up of buyers interested in aged domain names, big sites that are making money already, new sites that have real potential and sellers looking to get rid of sites that aren’t worth their time and effort anymore. And others sell them on purpose, as part of a business.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="600"]How to Buy and Sell Websites Using Flippa How to Buy and Sell Websites Using Flippa[/caption]

Browsing Flippa

Whether you’re a buyer or a seller, you can get started by checking out how sites are listed on Flippa and what kind of interest they may generate from buyers.

Featured Listings: Many of these listings are high profile sites that are usually pretty expensive, but get lots of traffic and generate quite a bit of income. Sellers can pay extra to list these as premium listings in the featured section.

New Listings: This section features a list of sites that were just recently added by sellers.

Most Active: These listings are generating the most interest, the most bids and the most comments from potential buyers.

Ending Soon: This section shows all the listing that will close within a few minutes of seconds.

Just Sold: The Just Sold section is a good section to look at for sellers, since they can get an idea of what kind of sites actually sell and what buyers really want to see in a listing.

Price Range: Buyers can separate their browsing into three price categories including high end websites, mid-range websites and entry level websites—which is great for those who have a set budget.

Browse: Buyers can look through topic categories for site listings, which include health, domain, technology, Internet marketing, SEO, social media, games, sports, business, entertainment and top ranking websites.

Free Guides from Flippa

Buying or selling websites isn’t easy, especially if you want to get the most bang for your buck. To help you, Flippa offers three extensive helper guides for its users.

How to Sell Your Website: A guide for beginner sellers that have never listed before on Flippa, which guides them through the listing creation process, bid management, and finalizing the sale.

The Pro Guide to Buying Websites: A listing may look good at first, but you don’t want to get jipped after the sale is made final. This Pro guide has information from experienced website investors.

Flippa Websites for Fun & Profit: Some people flip websites and sell them as part of a part-time or even full-time income. If you’re interested in doing it too, this guide will tell you where to start.

The Ups and Downs of Using Flippa

Not everyone loves Flippa. In fact, some people advise against using it--claiming that your site will sit there for a long time and only attract low bidders, resulting in a low return if you’re a seller.

But if you do your research on sites that sell well and have a site that gets a good amount of traffic and is an income earner, you’ll almost definitely be able to find a good buyer who’s willing to pay a good sum for your site.

In essence, it all comes down to stats. If you can prove that your site gets a lot of activity, is old, ranks well, makes money, and gets good traffic than you can ask for a higher price. And for those who are looking to browser for sites, the cheapest ones are the ones with the least activity, often generating little or now income.

One word of caution: Be careful on Flippa. Honestly, it’s not as easy as it looks. Take the time to study the listings over there, make use of the guides, and even try to talk to people who’ve bought or sold sites there. You can never be too prepared!

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