
Top Social Media Tips To Drive Masive Traffic To Your Blog

There was a time long ago when SEO was the most important form of marketing a blog, outside of creating content. Today, if you are not competitive and driving traffic to your blog via social media, succeeding in the long run might be an issue, unless you’ve somehow managed to outsmart Google.

Social media, as I like to say, is an art, and like all forms of art – there is not one right way of doing it. However, there are a few tips that should help you get more out of a few selected social media networks, without having to move mountains.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="600"]Top Social Media Tips To Drive Masive Traffic To Your Blog Top Social Media Tips To Drive Masive Traffic To Your Blog[/caption]

Reddit – Use SubReddits

I really like Reddit, and have found that it can be a reliable source of traffic. The only problem is finding a subreddit that you can actually post in, without being considered a spammer. Redditers take their time on Reddit very seriously, which has its pros and cons, so if you find a group that allows for adding links and your on topic, traffic is bound to flow in.

On the other hand, if you add a post to the wrong subreddit understand that your post may struggle and find itself in Spam Land.

One bonus tip for those of you considering using Reddit: Add the link via text and not just link + title. Give a brief introduction to the post or explain why you are posting their, and then add the link. Text submissions tend to do better (unless you’ve got cute animal pics).

  1. Subreddits I like: WordPress, BlogExchange, Blogging, Blogs, and Writing

Facebook – Spend $1/day

Facebook, unfortunately for us, has decided to play hardball with us page owners and make use pay in order to get views of our content. Do we want to support that kind of policy? In an ideal world – no, however neglecting your audience on Facebook is a huge mistake. Consider adding a $1/day to boost new and old posts – at least for a months time.

If you utilize the right tools when creating the adverts, there is no reason that the campaign would not bring the stats you are looking for.

Linkedin – Create Authority

Creating authority is something that should be done on every social media network, and if you are creating content that readers find useful then that alone is creating a strong authority for you as a blogger in that niche. LinkedIn has been defined as the social network for professionals, so with that in mind, do the most professional thing – make everyone understand that you are a pro just by interacting.

Once you have become an authority in your niche on LinkedIn, then start sharing your content. Your colleagues will be much more likely to give your content a try and they will be ready to share after you took the time to interact.

Extra bonus tip for LinkedIn: Only if you are sure that are building authority and people really care about your thoughts, then maybe opening a LinkedIn group could help do even more for your growing authority.

Google Plus – Use Images Always

On Google Plus there are three types of posts: those without an image, those with a link and a small image, and those with a large image. The correct type of post is the last: image-focused posts.

There is a reason that there is a saying that one picture can be worth a thousand words. When I sign in to Google Plus it is usually at about the same time that I am visiting LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. How can you get my attention? It all starts with the image. If your image got my attention then I turn to the title. Don’t take my word for it, check out the number of interactions that updates get when they are focused around an image, in comparison to just a link and small image to the side.

  1. The best in the Biz: Mike Allton, Irfan Ahmad, and Pauline Cabrera

Social media is an art, and like art, it is all about practice and getting better each day. Which tip will you use today? To what type of art would you compare your social media strategy?

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