
How to Blog Triple Your Blogging Speed

Are you spending 7 hours for publishing a new blog post? If the answer is yes, then this post is for you. I will help you to blog faster and triple your blogging speed. Keep reading…

Everyone wants to blog like a Ninja. At the same time, they would like to be more productive, accurate. So how it’s possible? For any quality blog post, you need at least 5 to 7 hours of time. After reading this article if you are a newbie then you will manage to write a quality blog post only in an hour or 3. So how? That’s what I’m going to show in this blog post, how to speed up your blogging.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="640"]How to Blog Triple Your Blogging Speed How to Blog Triple Your Blogging Speed[/caption]

Before jumping into the topic, ask yourself – While blogging for what thing you spend most of the time? For me, it’s hunting for topics. I can say that for most of the new bloggers out there hunting for the topics to blog upon is the difficult thing. For many other bloggers grammar, proofreading, typos may be bothersome.

Okay, let me come to them one by one; speeding up the thing that is killing most of your time is helpful in turning precious time into a productive one.

Tips to blog fast like a ninja

I hope after reading my article on finding effective blog topics, you have found it easy and saved it most of your time.

So let me summarize one of my previous posts,

Finding effective blog topics fast

  1. Dig into older blog posts, for new blog topic ideas (Interlinking opportunity)

  2. Use blog topic generators online.

  3. Prepare a blog post on frequent questions asked in forums.

  4. Analyze comments.

  5. Spend half an hour a week to brainstorm blog topic ideas, rather than spending time every time you blog.

Turn off your monitor

Turning off monitor and typing the blog post is effective. Most of them recommend you to use distraction free editors. However, open an editor turn off the monitor and start typing. By this, you force yourself not to bother about typos, grammatical mistakes.

As you know that checking grammatical mistakes and correcting typos while typing slows down your typing speed. Nothing is better than turning off the monitor while typing.

If you find it annoying, you can try distraction-free editors.

Keep a deadlineKeep-deadline-while-blogging

Without a deadline, writing blog post takes forever. Put a deadline time for your blog post. Within that time, you have to finish writing. Make it compulsory. This automatically makes you stay out of distractions.

This is one of the effective tips; I follow to speed up my blogging.

Prepare skeletal structure

Just observe the above points. I’ve just summarized the content of one of my previous posts. I wrote only headings of that post as a summary.

I myself prepare this kind of summary or highlights before writing any blog post. In other words, I write only headings initially. After writing the headings or main points, I will explain them in detail. This ensures that no important point is missed. It also prevents going off stream from the main topic, which is a big blunder as a blogger.

Once the main points are written, explaining them in-detail will be easy and fast.

Ignore typos and grammatical mistakes

Remember that while blogging, you are not writing with a pen on paper. You can edit the post whenever you want. So just, let it flow.

Correcting typos and mistakes in the middle of writing slow up the process and decreases your concentration on the mainstream.
Rather than hovering back to the typo or grammatical mistakes in the middle of writing, keep the mistakes as it is. Later while proofreading, you can handle them. This might be difficult at first, but practice matters.

Consider the voice to text

Why not make use of voice to text and just let your writing run? There are numerous voice to text softwares like Nuance Dragon (Windows), Dictation (Mac). Use a microphone (preferable over headset) specifically designed for voice to text purpose.

These softwares train themselves to your accent. They will become cleverer and cleverer as you use them.

Keep away all distractions

Smartphone ringing, Tablet LED blinking, Email notification, WhatsApp messages, Facebook chats, Tweets, dear ones calling, that too while blogging! Keep away all these things. Keep your mind blank. Make a way for sporadic thoughts in your mind.

You will be less productive and efficient in blogging, when multitasking is done.

Keep a checklist of things to do in blogging

ChecklistSometimes you will forget to insert links, tags, and category or even to insert images, rather than wasting time on what next, prepare a checklist of things to do while blogging or after blogging.

You make the task easier by using WordPress plugins like Good Writer Checkify.

Other surefire tips

  1. Read other blog posts.

  2. Use proofreading softwares like Ginger.

  3. Use clipboard managers like Ditto.

  4. Create Photoshop droplets for optimizing images.

  5. Learn typing, if you haven’t.

Final words
Make sure that your speed blogging does not kill the quality of the article. Because “Content is the king”. You can observe that in the above points, I have not mentioned any points that sacrifice quality. The above points save time, increase productivity. You can churn out 5 blog posts in the place of a single blog post.

Hope this helps you to blog faster, consider commenting and linking. Happy blogging.

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January 22, 2015 at 11:20 AM delete

[…] imagine blogging without this tool. For me Ditto, is the perfect clipboard manager app. It makes my blogging insanely fast. It records all my previous clipboard records. With its tiny search engine, I can find my previous […]


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