
How to Disable / Remove Visual Editor Mode in WordPress

A huge number of Bloggers and webmasters are using WordPress as a content management system, because it is the best platform available these days. You are one of those who love WordPress, and the main reason behind this, is the number of features it provides.

One of those features is, Visual Editor, WP introduced this feature sometime ago to make post writing and editing much easier. You can use Visual Editor to add Heading Tags Formatting tags with a single click, instead of adding them manually, which consumes time.

So, many of really this feature, but wait, it has some disadvantages too. For Example, if you want to share PHP code, then you must write it in Text Mode, but when you toggle back to “Visual” Mode, code will be stripped automatically, which is a big problem.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="465"]How to Disable / Remove Visual Editor Mode in WordPress How to Disable / Remove Visual Editor Mode in WordPress[/caption]

So, How you can Untangle this issue?

Well, there is a simple solution, You can Disable or Remove Visual Editor Mode in WordPress.After disabling, you will only have Text Mode to Write. So, you will be able to share any code you want. But remember, it will require you to add heading and Formatting tags manually, which will not be a difficult task if you know HTML.

Guide to Disable or Remove Visual Editor mode in WordPress

I would explain this step by step, you will surely find it a very easy.

1. Login to your Dashboard and Open “users” Section.

2. Now, Open a your User Profile from the list of all Users.

3.  On the next page, you will redirect to your profile, where you will find “Personal Options” section. Just below “personal options”, you will find “Visual Editor“.

4. Just Tick Mark at “Disable the visual editor when writing” and save the settings by scrolling down and hitting save button.

So, these are four steps which you can follow to get the desired result. Now, when you Login and start writing, the only Text Mode will be available there. But In case, you want “Visual Mode” Back, then you can follow the above givens steps and simply Unticking that Option.

But what if you want to Disable Visual Editor to only One Post? The above given method will not work in that case. You will require another method to do so, which I have mentioned in the below given paragraph.

Disable or Remove Visual Editor mode in WordPress for Specific Post or Page (Single or Multiple)

This time, you cannot do it manually. You will need a Plugin named “Disable Visual Editor plugin” to perform this action. You just need to Install it, once done, you will have the option to Remove Visual Editor from the Post or Page you are editing, by simply checking the Tick Mark in the right sidebar as given in the screenshot.

Note:- You should only do this, if you have some HTML knowledge, because in the Text Mode, you may need to enter some HTML Tags manually.

So, that’s it. I Hope this Post will help you to Remove/Disable Visual Editor Mode in WordPress. If you still have any confusion, feel free to ask via comments.

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