
Hire Facebook Girlfriends for $5

Did you know you can rent or hire Facebook girlfriends? Did the hot girlfriend on Facebook your nerd friend chatted with surprise you? Did this girlfriend post lovely messages adoring your friend, and showing how romantic he was?

Facebook Girlfriends

Well it seems this trend is catching on and people are hiring Facebook girlfriends for as low as five dollars at gig sites like Fiverr. The usual deal is that for five dollars, the Facebook girlfriend will post on your Facebook Page for seven days. Some more generous offers will get you a Facebook girlfriend for 10 to 14 days as well. Since the profiles show the country from which these girls are registered, you can choose girlfriends from the country of your choice.

Facebook girlfriend
What will these virtual Facebook girlfriends do? By paying the money, they’ll post a few comments on your Facebook page. You can decide what comment to post, and what topic to post about. They can post flirty messages, cute pictures whatever you like for the period of the gig. They will even update their Facebook relationship status. Since there are a variety of offers available, you might want to choose which deal is the best for you.

Why Need Facebook Girlfriends

If you don’t have a girlfriend, it would be a good way to show off to your friends that you have a hot girlfriend on Facebook and make them jealous. I guess this would work best on Valentine’s Day if you’re still single.
If you have an ex-girlfriend, you might want to make her jealous and show off your new Facebook girlfriend. If you have a girlfriend, then you might want to think why you need to make her jealous by love comments from your new girlfriend on Facebook!

Disadvantages of Facebook Girlfriends

Firstly, your Facebook girlfriend will disappear after the week you paid for the gig. So if you want the jealousy game to continue, you will have to keep paying up for the deal. Secondly, you might be shocked to find the same Facebook girlfriend dating your close friend who bought the same deal!

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