Squidoo or Hubpages? Which one is Better?
The concept of making money online is a challenge, after all it is work- and for most new writers this is hard to accept, and there are also many websites out there to choose from, or in this case, which online website is better for you hub pages or squidoo? The challenge is also time it can take to publish online, it can seem that you have to choose one and stick with it. This is a business world and you might not like to think of it this way, but it is your business and you will need to do the hard work.
In my view writing on both websites can help you get paid better earnings, but you will have to learn the ropes, and I have found that "the ropes" are always changing with new rules and a new way to do business.
What sort of business will you want to build up to get to the dreams you have always wanted to go to for money and making money online? Every writer wants to highlight the published work that they have and every writer wants to be a part of a community. Success is on every persons mind in this writing business. Writers have a plan that they can follow, and they need to consider all options, either writing online or elsewhere. They want to make money with the writing that they do, and they will use Google AdSense or Amazon or eBay or any other number of choices to make the money they want.
Each company has its positives and negatives, and you need to understand that while one might be better than the other- for you- (Squidoo or Hubpages), the other one should not be discounted at all. You can publish on both, but you should have a plan in terms of making the money you want and also be willing to accept that the rules will change on a regular basis. I can honestly say that you will need to have your own website or blog to create online income in the long term.
Squidoo and Online Writing
You can make money with Squidoo, and you can earn passive income
by writing online, there but you need to publish high quality lenses ( as defined by them and not by your own views-- I found it helpful to be a part of the "critique me" forum for a bit) and you need to edit often to keep them ranked high enough to produce income. I have noticed that since Squidoo has added the term "high quality lens" to their feature, the more personal lens where you have something to say and not to sell is more important. With this in mind it does make sense when you have product reviews or a passion for a topic that there is something that you can give to the reader.
The most important factor with Squidoo is that you have original content, and do not have it on your blogs or other websites (or even hubpages for that matter) This will help you get readers to your lens, and increase your lensrank for a short period of time, but there needs to be keyword research and some thought to traffic to keep your lenses going. There is the topic of lensrank which needs to be addressed.
What about Lensrank? The higher your lensrank, over the course of the month, means that in about two months after you will earn a bit of income from the various tiers of Squidoo. I have noticed that there are a lot of lenses that seem to be well written and well thought out, but they don't have a great lensrank. This means that there isn't a lot of traffic to that lens, and I know that if the rank is below about 80,000 then it isn't an income producer.
On Squidoo you can add modules to each of your lenses: There are thousands of ways to make your lens an original work of art, and one that can continually give you passive income. You can add almost any module to a lens to improve it. However, the foundation is still what you write about and what you give to each of your readers. A good example is a lenses that shows you how to create something that people can use.
Squidoo has advice lenses and this will improve your business: many people do not use the help that Squidoo provides in countless lenses. They all say the same thing except in different ways, but all of them tell you to have passion and have fun!
You can add scoops and not just lenses: So there is another way to get your profile up on Squidoo. However like all marketing ideas this one should not be abused or misused or you will find that the people who will read your lenses will not read more.
You will find new ways to improve: There is a lot of information to begin with but after a bit, you will find helpful lens masters all over the place! There are many who have top 100 lenses and many who will tell you exactly how to make money.
These and more will tip the balance to Squidoo-- for some writers. It is like any business to be successful you will need to understand the basics, and the basics seem to change with what the search engines want and need. I have found the best way to publish a great lens on Squidoo is to think of your introduction and make certain that it is personal and "attention grabbing."
Two Big Benefits to Squidoo: You can learn about the health of each of your lenses and you can quickly correct any problem by going to squidultils (in beta) but also you can learn about what increases traffic by using this health check and fixing up areas in big need of help. You can learn about the "value' of your lens, and how to increase it. Again, the more links you have outside of Squidoo the more traffic you will get. Keep an eye on your stats and how many links you have. However, be advised you will want to have organic links to your lenses to gain favor with the search engines out there.
Squidoo also lets you know quickly what lenses make you money so that you can build lenses like them and improve your earnings, which is vital in any business. Improvement is key, and you need to think about this when working on your online business. It is about deciding where to focus-- Squidoo vs. Hubpages.
Of Hubpages and Writing Sites
Along with Squidoo there is another large site writing site called hubpages. This works in a similar manner and with time, there is a potential to earn money but the means are different. You will have to apply and be accepted by some affiliate programs- most notably Google AdSense.
You need to publish hubs: A lot of them, although there is no minimum but about 100 hubs all interlinked is when you find that you will see success. Of course that number varies depending on how many hubs you have in the same niche. The more hubs in one niche the better and the more promotion to drive traffic the better. A high quality hub is as important as a high quality lens. This is more true now than ever. People are looking to their subdomains and fixing, editing their hubs is a key to long term success. However, as Google is updating its search engines, there have been many ups and downs with this writing site.
You can make money faster-- or at least see it sooner than every two months: Since you use your own Google AdSense affiliate program, it is your AdSense code, and for 60% of the time your AdSense publisher ID is up and you can potentially make money that way. I have found that while it is a good thing to have a hub that gets a lot of traffic this means nothing in the long run if you don't earn anything with it. There is also the Hubpages Ad Program that I have taken into account these days, but it is only a recent thing and most users don't make the payment level each month. (I would say about 80% of users on hubpages do not)
It appears that you get paid by Impressions from the Hubs Ad program, but many on hubpages have noted that the AdSense revenue has all but dried up-- I have noticed this as well, but with my own website and blogs running there is not as much to worry about for income. This means that for some writers, the only choice that they have is to focus on the affiliate programs. You cannot put every subject or topic up there: They do not have a spot for subjects, which are not meant for the general public.
You need to write on a regular basis: Once you have established yourself, you will need to write on a regular basis or your hub score will drop... which means your standing in hubpages will be lower. comments and other "praticipation" does keep these scores up so this is a must to keep and maintain your hubpages business. However, you now have idle hubs which can affect your ability to earn income there.
Hubpages and Content: How you make it look with the capsules that they offer is a fine art, and you will need to spend time looking around to get it correct. In the end Hubpages can work for you, but you will need some time to get used it like with Squidoo, Hubpages offers a lot for each writer who is passionate about building their business. Again it is all about content.
These days content is harder to define and hubpages is going through a lot of growing pains, so it is writer beware when they publish anything anywhere.
Hubpages vs. Squidoo OR Hubpages and Squidoo?
How about trying both Squidoo and Hubpages and begin to link between them?
Hear me out a lot of things we love to do in the online world is expand our visibility and using both hubpages and Squidoo is a great way to make a splash. There are other sites out there as well. (such as bukisa and wikinut and other online writing sites)
Still if you write and you write with passion, you will make money with Squidoo and with Hubpages. For some the fact that they make money each and every day with affiliate programs such as Google AdSense or amazon is a reason to use hubpages more than Squidoo. There is another view to using both.
If you only make a few lenses you will be in the same boat as hubpages, you will not make a lot of money, so it does take time and effort. Which is why establishing yourself on both will make a huge difference on your earning online and making more money online. Be passionate about writing and it will shine through. Love what you do and people will see you love your work. Now there is one exception to this point, if you have a lot of links that are ourside of Squidoo you can make a lot of money and this is important, since a part of a good healthy lens is to make sure that you have a lot of links to as many different domain as possible.
Both have benefits and both have drawbacks, still each used together will make you more money online.
At this point it should be noted that with the recent Google Panda update. there has been much talk about how Hubpages was hit hard with the algo. change. This does seem to be the case as many of the hubs on hubpages were "product based" since this time hubpages has done some massive changes, however it also seems to have helped. it also seems that if your lenses or hubs did not have links from outside of the main website (Squidoo or hubpages) your traffic decreased as well.
With Squidoo there does not seem to be much in terms affected lenses, however linking and getting traffic from outside sources is key to making money here.
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