
How social bookmarking sites like StumbleUpon can help to increase blog traffic

StumbleUpon is a great tool to drive blog traffic, but there are rules to follow to actually get positive results. Use the five StumbleUpon tips below to give your blog a traffic boost.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="600"]Tips to Increase Blog Traffic with StumbleUpon Tips to Increase Blog Traffic with StumbleUpon[/caption]

1. Don't Stumble Your Own Content

It's an unwritten rule of StumbleUpon that you should avoid stumbling your own content. Of course, that doesn't mean you can never submit your own content, but it's always better if someone else submits your content first. If you only stumble your own content, then other users won't feel you add any value to the StumbleUpon community aside from self-promotion.

2. Stumble a Variety of Content from a Variety of Sources

Take the time to stumble content from a variety of blogs and websites as well as a mixture of articles, photos and videos. Only stumble the very best content that you truly want to share with other StumbleUpon users. Avoid stumbling content that doesn't add value to other StumbleUpon users.

3. Use Great Titles and Descriptions

When you stumble content, take the time to write a great title and description for that content to entice other users to click through and view your submission. Vague titles and descriptions are not helpful to other users.

4. Make Friends

Take some time to get to know other members of the StumbleUpon community and befriend them. Your StumbleUpon presence will grow as you network with more users. Don't just add a friend then forget about them. The power of StumbleUpon grows the more you network.

5. Use One Account and One Identity

Don't try to fool the StumbleUpon community by creating multiple accounts or stumbling only your friends' content and vice versa. Chances are you'll get caught, which could lead to your content getting buried or you getting banned from StumbleUpon temporarily or permanently. Follow the rules (even the unwritten rules).

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