
How to find the suitable time to publish your blog posts for Maximum Exposure and Traffic

As I’ve said in one of the previous blog posts, initial traffic to a newly published blog post increases the ranking power of that blog post. For this, you have to find the suitable time to publish your blog posts.

Well, most of you know, it’s by timely social media sharing. You may accomplish this by using Buffer or HootSuite.

In this post, I’ll discuss only on publishing blog posts on the best time where most of your loyal blog readers are active.

The strategy, that I present to you, helps you in NOT disappointing your regular readers, who hop into your blog in hope of finding new content.

The perfect scheduling of blog posts is especially important when you have a lot of loyal readers on your blog.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="995"]How to find the suitable time to publish your blog posts for Maximum Exposure and Traffic How to find the suitable time to publish your blog posts for Maximum Exposure and Traffic[/caption]

From now onwards, whenever you head towards hitting the publish button, as yourself the question “Is this the best time to publish my awesome blog post?” Keep this question in your blog publishing checklist.

It is also worthwhile to note that, along with the best time, the best day of the week for publishing your blog post also matters a lot.

There is no magic time to hit publish button!

As nature and demography of the readers differ from blog to blog, there is no magic time like, “If you publish that blog post, at that time you will get massive amounts of traffic.”

How to determine the perfect timings for hitting the publish button

As I have said, the perfect time for publishing a blog post differs from blog to blog. It is up to your wisdom; determine the best time and day of the month to publish a new blog post.

To get the data of the number of Pageviews that you are receiving in  a day and time basis.

  • Login to your Google Analytics.

  • Go to your property.

  • Click on Customization.

  • There create a new custom report.

  • Give the title of the report.

  • Add “Entrances” to “metrics group” you can also add other metrics like bounce rate to measure the quality of the traffic

  • Add “Day of week name” and “Hour of day” under Dimension Drilldowns.

  • You can add additional filters like “Source of traffic”. To know the time, what social sites or medium are driving you traffic. (I’m not adding it, to keep the things simple)

  • Now save the report.

Custom report day and time

Now your report should be populated with figures. Set the time frame as maximum as possible, for more accurate results.

Best day

Now sort the Entrances in descending order, to get the day of the week in which you received more traffic, at the top. Now, as you can notice, Monday is the day I receive most of the traffic on my site.

What is the exact time on Monday, my traffic spikes?

Now click on the day (here Monday). As you can notice at 20:00 IST at night on Monday, I receive most of my traffic.

Best time for publishing blog posts

If I schedule my blog posts, on Monday 20.00 IST, I’ll receive most of the traffic.

Like this, based on your blogging frequency, you may have to choose the days and time on which you receive most of the traffic. I often publish two posts a week. I may need to determine another best day and time apart from Monday.

To conclude…
Scheduling blog posts for better exposure is totally different to the concept of social media posts timing.

By adopting the above report in your G.A, you can drastically reduce the bounce rate of your blog.

In addition to this, you also can determine the time when the most of your affiliate or other sales happen or more readers sign up for your newsletter. Like this, the possibilities are endless.

Adopt this strategy of timing the blog posts. Let me know if it does spike your traffic.

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