
Writing Tips that help you Standout from other Bloggers

My way of writing is not working. My readers are acting like jumping spiders. They do not stay on my blog. I have no way, but to helplessly see them bouncing.

Many of the readers look at your writing style to determine the quality of the content. I tested this myself with the help of scroll depth analysis. It is one of the bitterest pills to swallow.

If your writing style is generic (generic differs from simple), they think the content is also generic.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="640"]Writing Tips that help you Standout from other Bloggers Writing Tips that help you Standout from other Bloggers[/caption]

Simplicity wins

Do not be jargon. Simplicity is needed to reach a wider audience.

Break sentences to smaller chunks to make it easier for your readers penetrate.

That’s been one of my mantras – focus and simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean and make it simple. However, it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.

– Steve Jobs

By nature, the human mind is complex; put your head on magnet called simplicity. Once you learn simplicity in writing, it will become a sticky outfit of your writing or blogging career.

Simplicity is like solid framework. You can extend it to make it more appealing.

Keep it conversational

Create a bond. Talk to your readers’ heart.

YOU and I can make it possible.

Ask questions for your readers. Keep the questions in italic. Ask them shout out answers in the comments.

Conversational approach in writing boosts the secretion of feel-good or reward hormone, in your readers’ brain.

They are subconsciously attracted towards your blog in one or the other way in the future due to this.

It’s like hacking your readers’ brain, back to your blog.

Make use of idioms

“An idiom is a sentence that has its own meaning. Its meaning cannot be understood by looking at the individual words in the sentence.”

They are often used as a better alternative to express complex feelings.

These are some of the best examples of idioms. These can be used in your daily life and your blogging career, to express that the secret has been disclosed.

  • My secret strategy is hacked wide open

  • Please do not spill the beans in this annual meet

  • In this blog post, I am letting my cat out of my bag

As you can notice that in the above examples, I leveraged the flexibility of idioms. The original idiom was “let the cat out of the bag”, but I used“letting my cat out of my bag”.

Like this, you are free to modify the words in the idiom, make it suit for a particular situation.

A dozen of idioms in your thousand-word post boosts the user reading experience.

Pepper those metaphors and similes

I am the great lover of metaphors.

It expresses what words can’t express. It helps you to express the depth in your deepness.

Like instead of saying “He is feared like hell, at that time”. Say, “He was a rabbit caught in the headlight at that time”.
You caught it!

Similes are all about adding the word “like” to your metaphors. Say, “He was like a rabbit caught in the headlight at that time”. Similes thins out the impact caused by metaphors.

Metaphors are metallic, solid. I prefer metaphors to similes.

Another good news for you is that,

Metaphors or similes can be your own creations. There’s no rule“Always use metaphors and similes that are already existent”.

Whenever you are struggling to find the perfect way to convey the deepness of the sentence to your readers, hunt for metaphors.

For example, if you are going to express great fear in your writing.

Ask yourself the questions.

  • What animals, kind of people express fear?

  • In what situation they express fear?

Be like that!

The questions starting with “what” and “when” gives rise to many metaphors and similes.

Practice storytelling

When you are in your elementary schools. Recall, how did you remember all those long stuff? You weaved a story, right? Why is that so? Stories are easy to nail down, right?

Practice the same strategy in blogging. Weave a story out of your blog post. Put your readers in a trance, by penetrating them with your story.

By, this they remember the stuff better. Your blog rings a bell in their mind every time they think about the story.

With great stories, we force our readers to read our entire blog posts. They often read the stories with a fine-tooth comb.

Always keep the stories simple. It should be understood clearly by a wide range of audience.

In this context, presenting stories of your or someone one’s personal life, works like a charm. Personal stories are the one to readers are involved in greatly.

These are some of the tips that help you penetrate into your reader’s mind, and convey what you want.

As a brush-up, you must adopt simplicity in your writing; make use of idioms, metaphors, and storytelling approach.

Adopt the above strategies in a single blog post and notice the difference in the user interaction with your blog post.

The majority of the bloggers, are not adopting the above strategies while writing their blog posts. Therefore, following these writing tips easily helps you stand out of a plethora of bloggers.

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