Windows in its all versions has kept a feature that enables its user to remind about the Remaining Disk Space in your PC. This feature would blink up balloon in system tray keeping you reminded. Its a great feature, often irritating too.Windows 7 do come with an option to disable these alerts by using the registry tweaks.
NOTE : These steps do involve changing your Windows Registry, kindly Create a back up before doing this.
- Start -> Run ->Regedit ,then you browse through :
- Now on the White Colored Window Right Click on the white space, in the panel browse through, New->DWORD(32-Bit Value), then give name for DWORD asNoLowDiskSpaceChecks , on double clicking make the Value data as 1.
- Logging Back you wont see the warning again. For enabling it set the Value data as 0 in above step.
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