This is a guest post by Dapinder Singh.
Blog traffic is a serious and very popular matter in the field of blogging. If you want to become a successful blogger then you must have a great blog with lots of traffic. But getting huge amount of traffic to your blog is not an easy task. These days there are millions of blogs related to every niche are available on the internet so it is extremely difficult to survive between these blogs and get good traffic. In this post I will explain you the 5 extremely powerful methods for getting good traffic to your blog in a small amount of time.
Social media
Important tips regarding social media:
- Submit content to your social networks manually. Do not use any softwares for submitting the content. This will increase your engagement with your social connections.
- Use Share buttons on your blog so that your blog visitors can directly share content from your blog to their social networks. This will give you huge traffic bonus.
- Always remain active on your social networks. Set up events on your social networks so that your followers enjoy your presence.
- Respond to the queries and comments of your followers or fans on your social networks.
Guest Posting
Guest posting is also very powerful way of increasing your blog traffic in a short period of time. You must publish guest posts on well established blogs of similar niche. Another benefit of guest posting is that your blog will also get one or two do-follow backlinks which results in increasing Google page rank of your blog. Guest posting will give you lots of exposure and helps increasing your social networking followers as well.
Important tips regarding guest posting:
- Only publish guest posts on good blogs. Do not waste your time on small blogs. because a single guest post on well established blog will give you more traffic and exposure than 5 guest posts on small blogs.
- You must publish your guest posts on the blogs of similar niche. This will send targeted traffic to your blog.
- Publish at least two guest posts per week.
- Only publish original article which are written by you from scratch.
Add some widgets on your blog
Not all widgets drive traffic to your blog but there are some specific widgets (like share buttons, facebook like box, twiiter follower button) which helps in driving traffic to your blog directly or indirectly.
What are those widgets and how these widgets drive traffic to your blog ?
- Post Share buttons – While reading your blog posts visitors can share your posts to their own social networks and if anybody among their friends likes your post then they also share that post to their own social network. In this way they start a chain reaction of sharing the posts and it results increasing your blog traffic.
- Facebook like box – By using facebook like box your blog visitor can like your facebook fanpage page from your blog without leaving your blog. In this way this widget helps in increasing your facebook fans. These fans will help you gaining traffic in future when you publish new posts to your blog and your fan page.
- Twitter follower button – Twitter follower button helps in increasing your twitter followers directly from your blog. More the twitter followers your have more traffic you will receive.
- Google+ badge – Google plus network is another good source of traffic. Adding a Google+ badge to your blog helps in increasing your Google+ followers.
- Email subscription widget – Email subscription widget helps in increasing readership of your blog through email. As the number of your subscribers increases it will increase your overall blog traffic.
- Popular posts – Popular posts widget attracts your blog visitors towards your most popular topics. In this way it helps in increasing pageviews and the average time spent on your blog.
Posting Frequency
One last but not least tip for increasing traffic is high posting frequency. You must publish posts daily or at least with the gap of one day between posting. This will increase indexing rate of your blog. Search engines spiders will start crawling your blog at much faster rates and your latest posts will appear fast in search results.
Remember my words if you follow these tips then your blog is going to rock in blogosphere. You will see huge changes in traffic graph of your blog.
About the author
Dapinder is the owner of WindroidClub where he writes about blogging, make money online, blogger guides, widgets and templates customization. Catch him on Google+.
Dapinder is the owner of WindroidClub where he writes about blogging, make money online, blogger guides, widgets and templates customization. Catch him on Google+.
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