
How to add Video instead of Profile picture on Facebook? [FlipSG]

That's right, fed up of your boring profile pic for your facebook account. Then change to a welcome video of yours. No wonder there are many creative heads and ideas like this for facebook.
Quickly getting started: What do you need?



In very simple steps, lets make this happen.

 Log into your facebook account. Do this as I keep instructing, click

Step2: Visit the application which is provided by Flipsg. Click here: FlipSG

Step3: Choose the pulgin for your respective browser.

 Step4: Then the pulgin installs and asks you allow then to restart your browser, in my case I have used Mozilla Browser.

Step5: You need authorize this app to access your profile information. Click here
Step6: Facebook will ask you to login into credentials with your flipsg profile view enabled. And allow this app to access your profile.Step7: Now to have a video, you need to either have a flipvideo or you use another way which I recommend. You need is Profile maker app. Limitations your video quality might vary if you dont use flipvideo.Step8: You have two option for creating a video, either using Webcam or a video whose size limit is 10mb.
Step9.1: Using webcam as its pretty fast. Click on Webcam part. The Adobe flash setting asks you to allow access of your webcam. Then, RECORD - STOP/PLAY - UPLOAD!
Step9.2: Using uploading method, it will ask for video file path. Make sure that the video is of highest quality, short, and <10mb. Supported formats flv, mp4, mov, mpg, wmv, ovi, 3gp.
Step10: Voila! GREET your friends with a warm video welcome! View you Profile for a preview.
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