Smartphones have come a long way since they were first introduced in 1990's. In 2000 it was hard to imagine we would have a device like the iPhone or Evo, but thankfully we do. t’s hard to picture a world without smartphones these days. I mean, we’ve had them for so long now, and I hardly remember when they were not around. I remember having a Nokia phone (not a smartphone) back in the 90s, but that’s as far back as I can remember even having the ability to remotely log onto the Internet on a phone. It was when it was still just text on these devices, no images, just pure text. 1993 was the year when the world saw the first real smartphone. It was when the IBM Simon was released, and it had minor apps. It had functions such as a fax, a PDA and even a pager. It was IBM who gave it a start.The evolution since then has been nothing less than amazing. It’s the always entertaining and knowledgeable Tech King who put together this nicely executed infographic. It will take you back to the very beginning of our smartphone world, and take you through a journey that most of us haveprobably forgotten already. It was not until 14 years after IBM first released that first version of a smartphone that Apple released the iPhone. That is quite a leap, and I think IBM really deserves some props for that.
We are too used to just glorifying the iPhone all the time, and this makes us somewhat ignorant to the other brands and the awesome technology that is around us. Some people have discovered it, and some of those people wouldn’t even go near the iPhone just because they like their smartphone better than the iPhone. I don’t know if it is the same symptom the Apple Fanboys have when they just want Apple gear just because… well, it’s Apple. So we’re seeing this picking sides all over again
Here are some interesting facts
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